
Hello Good people of the world,

I hope this message finds you well. I hope that when this message finds you that you might be inspired, motivated and encouraged. I hope this message gives you the perseverance to continue to push on and use patience as your strongest attack and wisdom as your greatest defense.

Today, let’s talk about Dreams! We all have them in some shape or fashion. I recall sharing my idea for my business and received a reply that I had a list of wishes. Dear readers, dreams are the seedlings to realities! Problems are a part of life and one’s ability to have a desire to wish a problem away is the birth of innovation. like an idea This is the start of a dream.

The secret of innovation is to never stop believing in your dream or solution. You must believe and the most beautiful, marvelous and stupendous thing of belief is that it requires no evidence. You may feel that you have a feeling, or intuition, so follow it! (Not may other will have it!) Keep working, keep trying, work in silence and master your craft. As one day, you will realize your true potentialities and it will unfold before you as clear as day.

Dreams are only for those who are courageous enough to awaken to live them.  We are here to help support you. We are here to encourage you. What’s your personal Legend Plan? We can help you create it! Let’s overcome our own inertia! Thank you for following and hope to hear from you soon.


Universal Prayther

Founder and CEO of Over Inertia

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