GROWTH Curriculum Online

Choose light over darkness

Hello Good people of the world,

I hope this message finds you well and I hope it finds you in your optimum self. I hope that you push yourself with the aims of being your very best self. I hope you can find the motivation which will allow you the internal drive that can’t be filled, quenched or satisfied by material wealth. I hope that you might find the eternal fuel that will last a life time that will allow you to be courageous, brave and compassionate.why-should-you

If by chance, you are saying this is not the case, I want you to truly understand your power by simply changing your thoughts. Don’t give the negative self talk all the glory. Don’t give it! When it comes acknowledge it than make a choice to find light than darkness, understand your power. I love to give this example, when the sun shines on earth. It shines on half the earth in light and by default, the opposite side finds darkness. The world continues to spin and change so that each side of the world reaches the light.

You must do the same for your thinking. You have the power to spin your thinking, find the light rather than the darkness. Find strength rather than weakness, find success rather defeat. By default, you become your very optimum self. As people say, it’s always the coldest just before the sunrise. It’s only an indication that the sun is coming, as when you feel the sudden coldness of the negative thoughts. It’s only an indication you can choose to feel the shine of your thoughts or remain in the darkness.

I hope this brings you some peace of mind. I hope that you have found a new perspective. Please feel free to share with others and hold new conversations with others. I come to learn that even though I am an entrepreneur. My clients will never meet my company rather they are doing business with me. This is very real and I enjoy this with intensity. I am free to say that I love what I do and I hope I can share this feeling with you and foster these same feelings with others. As we say, are you inert? If so, let’s get over inertia! Join us as we continue to overcome inertia!14702619651331

The purpose of a dream

Hello Good people of the world,

Thank you very much for watching, reading and sharing.  Over Innovation of Inertia is my second brain child. I encourage others to develop and grow their own idea into realities. All you have to do is dream and if you need help with it. We are here to guide you but you must do the work. It’s understood that life can pull one into different directions leaving one feeling lost and stranded. But when you find yourself in that situation dream of riches! Dream and dream with the intention for freedom!dream-your-best-dream

Your ability to dream in essence is your ability to spread your wings unclipped. It’s your ability to live limitless and free. It’s your ability to explore space and live in the vastness of it. If you can see it than you can achieve it, this is the ability to use your creative power and the path to allow it to flow. Einstein says, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Hence the expression, dream!

Please feel free to join our sessions and Ill share it! I will share with you the unspoken and unwritten power of your inner creativity. It’s simple and easy to use and it starts with being you. This takes us into today’s topic; the purpose of a dream is to live it in reality. It’s one thing to think something into existence. Secondly, to dream with a purpose to solve a problem is another. The brain is for solving problems, small, or large. Its purpose is to provide you with a blue print for success. We provide the details in our sessions, you are welcomed to join us and leave with the knowledge of allowing yourself the unlimited power to dream and create limitless. Are you inert and if so, let’s overcome inertia together.

It’s better to have

Hello Good people of the world,

Welcome! How are you? How are you feeling? Self-care is the best care. This is not intended to be a topic of health but prevention is better than a cure.  The body being an astounding instrument as it is, unfortunately; we only use a very small portion of its greatness. At times, it can be compared to using an iPhone merely for phone calls and text messages. Join our online or our in-person workshops for self-development and vocational building. Discover how to get more from you. Discover what waits to be unleashed from within.14706213881831

More so, it’s better to have vision and hope. It is better that you have a plan for yourself or by default become subjected to the changes of life. When you have a direction, a goal, a final destination your desire and passions places you on auto pilot. The vision that you created like a fishermen, you place your idea on a hook and throw it into the future, with the hopes of catching something big.

The bigger your vision the better, regardless of the size, the future will bite and with a mighty bite. Once you make up your mind on your direction. You become connected to the future. It will pull you towards that realization and, as a byproduct you will find happiness. It will continue to pull you through such terrain such as financial hardships, uneasy moments, sad moments, coldness, depression, deception until you achieve what you believed.

Hence, the more you are prepared with your agenda, it prevents poor performance when bad happens because bad happens. Just don’t lose your vision and use it when you need it most. Join us to learn more… We provide a technology called Inspirational Praxis which will allow you to become the latest version of you. Learn how to evolve from within to advance at what you do. Simply send us an email and we will set you up with dates for Orientation. As we say, “Are you inert?” if so, lets overcome inertia!14709260159911

How do you live love in your community

Hello Good People of the world,

I hope this message finds you well. I hope this message finds you in good cheer, refreshed and motivated. I hope this message touches you in a way that you might become empowered to invest in yourself to become the greatest version of yourself. Please understand that the sun is shining although you may not see it. The sun is shining even in darkness. Hard times are part of the process.  It’s like the weight lifter who increases his exercise to develop muscle. It’s like the seed which is placed in the soil to grow and develop. More so, its balance: hard times and good times share turns like a seesaw. It’s like night and day. The day will pass just as the night will fade, just hold on tight. Your struggles to shall pass and you will find in its absence you have become betterhow-do-you-live-love-in-yourself

I have been asking this question, “How do you live love in your community?”  Do you live love in your community? I believe this is a really great question on so many levels.  How would that experience look like? I recall swimming in the ocean on my surf board, feeling the heat of the sun and the coolness of the shifting waters. I recall long nights with family and friends living in peace and enjoying each other’s company.

More so, I would like to take it one more level. “How do you live love in yourself?” It’s one thing to show love to your environment but how about your inner world? How do you show the real “you” love and what are your actions to justify them? At some degree, I am talking about self-care. It’s not impossible to love something else before you learn to love yourself. However, what are some actions and habits to maintain that love? It’s like burning a fire. What kind of material do you use to maintain the heat?


I created a term called; “Mental Fitness” and I apply it in our workshops which promote self-knowledge.  Mental Fitness is related to mental hygiene.  However, mental hygiene talks about having and keeping a positive self-image, staying positive and being you to keep your mental strength just as having physical strength.  I would love to have you join us for a workshop, just send us an email and we can provide it online or in person. 

Thank you again for joining us and please feel free to comment, share or follow. We are Over Innovation of Inertia. We celebrate human achievement and development. As we love to say, are you inert? If so, lets overcome inertia. You are not alone!







No greater motivation than success

Hello Good people of the world,

How are you? I hope this message finds you well. I hope that this message finds you in your best.  If it’s not the case, understand that you can have control over your thoughts and actions. You have the power to choose the feeling of being powerful over powerless. You have the ability to live your life with vision or in darkness. Just turn on the light, turn your life into a brighter future because you are a reflection of your biggest dream. Dear reader, dream your biggest dream!

This brings us into today’s topic; there is no grater motivation than success. Rather if you choose to start small or large; you ultimately have the ability to choose your boost of motivation. You have the ability to create and foster the positive habits which will stimulate the combustion of “go”.             get-out-your-own-way

How you might be asking? Please feel free to visit us on Skype just send us an email at  We provide a number of self-development and vocational building workshops under a technology called Inspirational Praxis. Send us an email to get stated, online or via or in person.

More so, understanding the power of your sub-conscious thoughts and how it triggers your motivation of attitude will directly impact your actions. The reaction in your environment will leave you with a feeling of successes. You can do this consciously or unconsciously, planned or unplanned, this can create a feeling of happiness or sadness. Join us as we are willing to show you your own greatness. As we ask, are you inert? If so, let’s get over inertia!

Ready your day from Yesterday


Hello Good people of the world,

I have awakened! I am on a new vibe. I have awakened to a new possibility where I choose to be more creative than restrictive. I choose the new possibility where I am limitless over bounded by misconceptions of myself and my own negative thoughts. I choose inspiration rather despair. I choose motivation than isolation. I have made the choice to watch my actions and my own thougths.


I would like to thank you for visiting our blog. I hope this is as inviting and heartwarming for you as this is for us. You have a power, called potential power. Life is about using that power in a productive sense. It’s about making the choice to use it rather than refusing to use your source of greatness which is in abundance. Make the choice to use it, as you embark on your own greatness and give others the permission to uncover their own greatness.

I hope from my liberation you find a reason for celebration and take action to expound on your new found power and strength. This will take us into our current topic.  Ready your day, with a plan from yesterday! Before you sleep, write your plan and make up your mind that if you shall awake. Your plan is what shall be done!

It’s important that you do your best efforts. It is also important to know that what you write down will be accomplished and no longer will it be delayed, left aside and forlorn.

With that in mind, you are ready to sleep and rest well. As tomorrow will open for you to “Attack the day with enthusiasm”. You will find that you have more energy. You will find that you don’t have time for pettiness. You will find more love for yourself. You will find yourself with more passion. You will find more happiness as you are on the pursuit of happiness.

You will find yourself being the opposite of the one who delayed. Please join us online or in person as we present our 3-day workshop introduction: Getting over inertia. Are you inert? If so, let’s overcome inertia. Feel free to send us an email for orentation. Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon!



Universal Prayther

Over Innovation of Inertia

Don’t rush your art brush


Hello Good people of the world,

I would like to thank you for your continuous support and viewing. Please feel free to share; I received my first blessing in part of a phone call. This really inspired me to continue so, please help us by sharing the message.  As I watch the response of my most current post, I can’t help but think about how these words might impact others. Words are powerful but I hope that it empowers more and more.

This brings me to today’s topic. If you were to imagine a masterpiece before your vision, could you ponder the amount of discipline, detail and beauty placed in each stroke of its paint brush? Once it was completed, one could say, “It’s complete so that all might marvel its beauty”.

The first point, how to become liberated by someone’s inspiration? It’s like the breeze from the ocean on a hot sandy beach. It’s like the cool breeze of a summer’s heated night. It’s like drinking water on an arid day. It is liberation from a feeling of entrapment.14784712230211

Inspiration is contagious in that one can become liberated by simply viewing the best of another. See it and be it! Be the inspiration and allow that to liberate you into doing your very best effort with something you enjoy. As our motto, “Evolve from within to advance at what you do!” Allow someone’s inspiration to be the ignition for your own liberation and you will find a very special celebration of life.

The second point, this might be a bit heavy, so I caution you. Dear reader, It takes time to complete a Masterpiece. You might be an entrepreneur, an artist or simply a dreamer. Your art form will manifest itself through your action, but don’t rush your work, as you have full control, as to the viewing of what others might marvel. Enjoy the process of your workflow, feel each curve, every mark and don’t see it as a tedious process. Like the mountains, and the rivers which flow through them, and the sea shell broken, we find absolute beauty in its design. Love every process of your masterpiece, as it will be as you imaged.

I celebrate your inspiration as I am liberated. Don’t rush your art brush when you are brushing you art. Again! Thank you all! Please feel free to share and as we love to say, “Are you inert?” if so, let’s get over inertia!




Universal Prayther

CEO and Founder of Over Innovation of Inertia


With or Without Vision


Hello Good people of the world,

I will share a story of inspiration today. I feel it! One of my greatest stories to share is the story of Helen Keller.  There are a few reasons why her story is used to make my story. It’s important to know that inspiration is liberation. It is the unspoken permission for you to be your best self. It is her inspiration “the invitation” that invited me to become liberated from my own self-doubt.

I held myself in a cage isolated and alone. I did not understand that I held the key to this cage and it is her story that helped me make my story. Some way or another, one might find some reasons of why you can’t achieve something, but you must have vision and fight to keep your vision. Vision keeps your sights in a place where you are totally invested to reach. The reasons why you see this vision never lose it. This is your motivation. This is your internal fire, the coal which burns and provides warmth, when the world is cold and all odds are against you.14709260159911

Self-doubt is the water, or mist which seeks to extinguish your fire. You are in constant conflict with anything which tires to relinquish your flame. This energy, if it had a price. It would be the most expensive chemical on the face of the planet due to the fact that of your productivity and unwillingness to be stopped. This success formula which is created trough struggle, passion and vision will make you a force to be reckoned with.

How did her story make my story? Regardless of her current situation and circumstances, it never moved her from reaching her goal. More than that, she was not able to listen to others ridicule as what was possible for her or not. This point is the most critical! Secondly, she was surrounded by people who had vision that she could and she did, despite all odds.

I leave you with this message good people, go for your goals and find those who will support you in making it happen and get to work, make it happen, don’t stop, fail fearlessly and most important be yourself, love yourself, stay kind and be like water. You can do it! Again, thank you for taking the time to read my daily messages. Please share as there are those who are waiting to unlock themselves from them. Your inspiration is needed.


The Carbohydrate Family


Hello Good people of the world,

I want to thank you for taking the time to read our blogs. I hope you are enjoying it as much as we are. I have not touched much on the topic of nutrition and health and wellness.  But today, makes it a great day. We provide nutrition in the community and online sessions. We prepare the sessions in a way where viewers who participate can gain accumulative information, session by session.

Furthermore, I would like to share a workshop which is titled, “The Carbohydrate Family”. In this workshop, we identify the chemistry of carbohydrates and explain the pleasure of food and also the business of the body. In other words, food is business and although we focus on the flavorful sensations we experience. It is most impocrap-and-foodrtant that we don’t forget it is business at the end of the day. Its primary function is to provide us a source of energy. In order to conclude this point, Socrates states that, “Most men live to eat where I eat to live”. Our main focus is to share information and secondly, provide a mindset in the way we view food, namely Carbohydrates.

As consumers, we focus simply on pleasure. As we look at foods high in refined sugars, fats and salt. Our health consequences are concluded with obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. More so, I will not conclude with this. I must take it one more stride further, in the carbohydrate family, we identity many types of carbohydrates such as sugars, milk, fruits, whole grains and more.

We simplify it by grouping it into the following: Simply Carbohydrates and Complex Carbohydrates. Once we define the terms. It’s easy to share how the body uses the sources of energy.

Healthy can be broken into two words, “Heal-Thy” Well, Heal-Thy-what? Healthy is the art of Healing-Thy-Self. Ask self, “Will this food produce heal me or kill me?” You are your greatest health advocate and when you are not sure consult someone who can help you answer that question, in detail!

We than break it down into three groups: Monosaccharide, Disaccharides and Polysaccharides

I would really like to have you join our sessions, so I will not provide all the detail in this message. I love to ask, “What would you trade for your good health?” Many of you might say, nothing but I hope you might give your time to learn more ways to save yourself from yourself. Again, Good people of the world, I would like to thank you for sharing your time with me and feel free to join us on Skype or in person for a session. As we love to say, “Are you inert?” If so, let’s get over inertia!

Ever Evolving


Hello Good people of the world,

We will jump into this topic rapidly. Please feel free to share your thoughts and share.  Furthermore, this world is ever evolving- you are growing and things are constantly improving, and blossoming. Everything is constantly evolving to become better and stronger. It does this not for material gain or market value rather to inspire. It is a global invitation for one to reach their highest potential as it has reached its own.

Dear readers never fear  failure or becoming obsolete.

The reason for this is because one has the ability to choose if he or she will increase their mental capabilities or decide to leave it where it stands. Secondly, failure does not mandate that you are unsuccessful. It only shows that your plan of action was not successful, so don’t take it personal. None the less, you have control of your future actions.


The mind is like the universe. It is infinite, in every meaning of the word.  The mind has no boundaries or limits. It is limitless. Even if you filled it, it will never reach its full capacity. If you attend my workshops, I ask the question: Can you touch the walls of your mind? (Feel free to leave a response) I ask this for a reason.. can you guess why?


The ability of using our imagination can set one to any destination without any reservation.

             Like technology, once it becomes old or obsolete it’s no longer needed. The mind gets older but in the end, we can only discover the latest model of excellence within ourselves. This is if one has a desire for it. This is If one keeps up with the up hill struggle of becoming better, through hell or high water. If you have the desire to be than you shall.

All things that continues its process in growth.

The mind is the only thing (we) can stop in its advancement of improvement.  Today, I will not address those things that might alter our course of inertia. The most important concept to share is that hardship is designed to persuade us to halt or change our direction. However, this state of idleness can have a detrimental impact to its user and those surrounding it.

A person might have much education, success and wealth and vice versa but if he or she does push the mind for growth it will remain idle.  Don’t be unkind to your mind, join the movement of improvement! Your ability to shine gives others the permission for others to be their best self.

The greatest technology in the universe is the mind. Not only is it the greatest piece of technology. It’s the most under used and understood. The greatest thing about the mind is that it’s free! Be inspired by the beauty of the world as it is an invitation for you to reach your greatest self.  Don’t be unkind to your mind, please don’t fall behind. Please feel free to respond. Again thank you for your visit! As we like to say, “Are you inert?” If so, let’s get over inertia!


Universal Prayther